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Can anybody help me with where to start re: psychic development 5nvklj

Can anybody help me with where to start re: psychic development 9tpt39


    Can anybody help me with where to start re: psychic development

    Full Member
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    Zodiac : Gemini Posts : 9
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    Can anybody help me with where to start re: psychic development Empty Can anybody help me with where to start re: psychic development

    Post by QueenofHearts Sun Dec 02, 2018 9:14 am

    Hey everyone

    I'm interested in developing my psychic gifts a little more. I believe i'm clairvoyant. I have had the ability to see other people 's Auras for around ten years now. I really was afraid of it all at first but now I see that i'm shown these thigns for a reason and I would like to utilize them and help others around me. I seem to have a deep connection to some strangers I meet. I get glimpses and flashes in to things they are facing in their lives & what they're going through. It really bugged me when it first started but like I said I believe we're given what we  can cope with and am starting to understand this is part of my purpose. I was attuned to level 1 reiki, it was kunadlini reiki and since the level one attunement  noticed that i'm seeing and feeling more. I may be Empath aswell.
    I struggle with mixing in crowds  & I can't commit to a spiritualist church like I wish I could so i'm searching online for resources.
    Can anybody tell me how you started off. Did you start with like, tarot cards or something. My friend gifted me a carnelian pendulum and I tried that a few times  but it's a little bit frustrating to use because I worry i'm influencing it.

    I looked in my local library and found a few books and of course youtube but i'd like to talk to some people who are also going through the same and are new to it all , like I am. Somoene taught me how to ground myself and I do this three times a day. What else am I missing?
    Is meditation really all that helpful? any books?

    love and light to all

    Queenofhearts cupid :wand: kisses kisses

    Can anybody help me with where to start re: psychic development Empty Re: Can anybody help me with where to start re: psychic development

    Post by Guest Thu Nov 21, 2019 12:45 pm

    Hey Queen of Hearts. I started by looking at grounding and protection your own energy as a starting point then moved onto meditation and exploring the clair gifts and abilities. Learn how to quieten your mind first to become at one with your awareness and knowing your limits is always a good thing too!

    I've only ever sat in online circles and 1 trance circle in my life, offline. So far the experience has been a blessing though. You can use the g&p meditations as a checkpoint to retrace your steps if needed to and go back to basics for as and when you want to if you feel like you've missed out on something its good to touch base with the first steps initially so as not to have missed out on anything on your path.

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